Auth-Capture Payments


An Auth/Capture transaction consists of two transactions:

1- An auth transaction allows you to hold "Authorize" a certain amount from your customer's card.
2- A capture transaction that allows you to capture the held amount or less than it.

If your business model requires a similar payment scenario, please ask your technical contact for an "auth" integration ID, and follow this guide.

1. The authorization transaction


Perform the essential steps mentioned in the payment API flow guide, with the provided "Auth" integration ID.
This transaction will be marked as an "is_auth" transaction.

2. The capture transaction

By using the following API request you can perform a capture transaction:


method: POST

source: PayMobโ€™s server

recipient: Your server (Merchant)

content-type: JSON

authorization-header: Token <secret_key>


"transaction_id": "the id of the auth transaction", 
"amount_cents": "amount to be captured"

Sample Response:

      "pending": "false",
      "is_auth": "false",
      "is_capture": "true",
      "is_voided": "false",
      "is_refunded": "false",
      "is_3d_secure": "false",
      "has_parent_transaction": "true",
          "delivery_needed": "false",
              "[email protected]",
              "[email protected]"
            "company_name":"Wuckert, Zieme and Dach",
            "city":"Port Arvillachester",
            "street":"Walker Ramp"
          "collector": "null",
              "street":"Ethan Land",
              "email":"[email protected]",
          "merchant_order_id": "null",
          "wallet_notification": "null",
          "card_num": "null",
          "order_info":"[email protected]",
              "street":"Ethan Land",
              "email":"[email protected]"
      "error_occured": "false",
      "parent_transaction": "null"
    "captured_amount": 1000,     
    "owner": 1,
    "parent_transaction": 660 

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