Refund Transaction


A refund transaction is re-transaction, which means that it is a normal transaction but in the opposite direction, regularly the transactions are a "Customer ==> Merchant" transaction, then the Refund transaction is a "Merchant ==> Customer" transaction.

A refund transaction could happen any time after the original transaction's time, with any amount varying from the 1 OMR up to the original transaction amount.

Transaction fees will be applied to the refund transaction.

You can perform a refund transaction to the original transaction from your dashboard or by using the API mentioned in this guide.

Make sure that you have enough balance before performing any reverse transaction "Void/Refund".

method: POST
source: Merchant's server
recipient: Paymob's server
content-type: JSON

authorization-header: Token <secret_key>

Sample Request:

"transaction_id": 655,
"amount_cents": 1000

Sample Response:

      "pending": "false",
      "is_auth": "false",
      "is_capture": "false",
      "is_voided": "false",
      "is_refunded": "false",
      "is_3d_secure": "false",
      "has_parent_transaction": "true",
          "delivery_needed": "false",
              "[email protected]",
              "[email protected]"
            "company_name":"Wuckert, Zieme and Dach",
            "city":"Port Arvillachester",
            "street":"Walker Ramp"
          "collector": "null",
              "street":"Ethan Land",
              "email":"[email protected]",
          "merchant_order_id": "null",
          "wallet_notification": "null",
          "card_num": "null",
          "order_info":"[email protected]",
              "street":"Ethan Land",
              "email":"[email protected]"
      "error_occured": "false",
      "parent_transaction": 660



You will receive callbacks for the parent transaction of this transaction with flag "is_refunded": true.
You can find the id of the parent transaction in the "parent_transaction" key in the callbacks of the refund transaction.

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