Card Error Codes

If an error occurs during performing a transaction, you can identify the specific error message and code associated with it. These error messages and codes are designed to help you understand what went wrong and how to fix it.By referencing the error message and code, you can gain a clear understanding of the issue and take appropriate action to resolve it. It's important to review the error message and code carefully to ensure that you address the root cause of the error. By doing so, you can improve the reliability and accuracy of your transactions.

Error CodesResponseDescription
"."Authentication failed errorThis issue comes from the bank side with generic reasons such as entering a not valid card number, or invalid cards
0Transaction approved
1Refer to issuerThe Cardholders issuer has indicated there is a problem with the credentials used in the transaction. The Cardholder should use an alternate payment method, or contact their bank.
2Refer to the issuer, specialThe cardholder's issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. The Cardholder should use an alternate payment method, or contact their bank.
3invalid merchant or service providerThis error indicates that either the Merchant facility is non-functional or the details entered into the Gateway are invalid.
4Pick up cardThe cardholder's issuer has declined the transaction and requested that the card be retained as the card may have been reported as lost or stolen.
5Do not honourThe '05 - Do Not Honour' error is a generic bank response code that has several possible causes. This response can be caused by a myriad of things, including velocity checks at the bank, lack of funds, incorrect data in the request, etc. This is the vaguest reason that can be provided to Cardstream by the Card Issuing Banks and we are actually unable to elaborate any further on this.
6ErrorThe cardholder's issuer has declined the transaction as there is a problem with the card number. The Cardholder should contact their card issuer and/or use an alternate payment method.
7Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card)The cardholder's card issuer has declined the transaction and requested that the card be retained as the card may have been reported as lost or stolen.
8Honour with identificationTransaction processed successfully - identification NOT required. This code is returned by some banks in place of 00 response.
9Request in progressThe cardholder's issuer has indicated there is a problem with the card number. The Cardholder should contact their bank and/or use an alternate payment method.
10Approved for a partial amountThe transaction was successful for a partial amount.
70Contact card issuerThe cardholder's issuer has declined the transaction and requested the Cardholder to contact the bank.
12Invalid transactionThe bank has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field. This indicates the card details were incorrect. Check the card data entered and try again.
13Invalid amountThe cardholder's issuer has declined the transaction because of an invalid format or field, or the amount exceeds the maximum for the card program.
14Invalid card numberThe cardholder's issuing bank has declined the transaction as the payment card number is incorrectly entered, or does not exist.
15No issuerThe cardholder's issuer does not exist. Check the card information and try processing the transaction again.
17Customer cancellationThe cardholder's card issuer has prevented this transaction from taking place due to cancellation.
43Stolen cardThe cardholder's card has been reported as stolen.

As for any further inquiries related to the previously mentioned error codes or any codes raised from your side while performing any transaction, please contact us at the following email address [email protected]

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