Void Transaction


A void transaction is a reverse transaction, which could be performed to cancel a transaction that occurred within the same business day without any transaction fees.
You can void any of your transactions from your Accept dashboard from the void button found in the transaction details.
In this guide, we're exposing the void API, which you can use it to cancel a transaction that occurred on the same business day.
For example, transactions that performed on the 5th of March can be voided with this API or through the dashboard on the same day which is the 5th of March.

URL: <https://oman.paymob.com/api/acceptance/void_refund/void
Method: POST
source: Merchant's server
recipient: Paymob's server
Content: JSON

authorization-header: Token <secret_key>

"transaction_id": 123
      "pending": "false",
      "is_auth": "false",
      "is_capture": "false",
      "is_voided": "false",
      "is_refunded": "false",
      "is_3d_secure": "false",
      "has_parent_transaction": "true",
          "delivery_needed": "false",
              "[email protected]",
              "[email protected]"
            "company_name":"Wuckert, Zieme and Dach",
            "city":"Port Arvillachester",
            "street":"Walker Ramp"
          "collector": "null",
              "street":"Ethan Land",
              "email":"[email protected]",
          "merchant_order_id": "null",
          "wallet_notification": "null",
          "card_num": "null",
          "order_info":"[email protected]",
              "street":"Ethan Land",
              "email":"[email protected]"
      "error_occured": "false",
      "parent_transaction": 660



You will receive callbacks for the parent transaction of this transaction with flag "is_voided": true.
You can find the id of the parent transaction in the "parent_transaction" key in the callbacks of the void transaction.

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